German as a Foreign Language

Curricular vs. Optional Language Courses

All of the language courses at the University of Greifswald can be taken either as part of a degree course’s curriculum or as an optional extra.

If you have registered for a language course as part of the curriculum, it will count towards the required ECTS as stipulated in the relevant examination and study regulations (including Optional Studies/General Studies). If you register for a language course as an optional extra, you do this out of personal interest, regardless of your examination and study regulations.

Offers at the Department of Teaching German as a Foreign Language

DSH Preparatory Courses

Course Level Target Group
DSH-Course B2 Students of all faculties (restricted admission)
DSH-Course C1 Students of all faculties (restricted admission)

The Department of Teaching German as a Foreign Language is accredited by the German Rectors’ Conference and the subject association for the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language; and our certificate is recognised by all of Germany’s tertiary education institutions. 

For more information on DSH-Courses and the certificate please click here.

ATTENTION : All DSH-Courses offered on this page have restricted admission and therefore cannot be registered for on this page. For more information please contact the Department of Teaching German as a Foreign Language.

German courses during the semester (21.10.2019 - 31.01.2020)

Course Level Target Group
Beginners A2 international exchange students, doctoral students, visiting academics
Intermediate I B1 international exchange students, doctoral students, visiting academics
Intermediate II B2 international exchange students, doctoral students, visiting academics
Advanced C1 international exchange students, doctoral students, visiting academics
Specialised language course: methods for working scientifically B2/C1 international exchange students, doctoral students, visiting academics

During the semester, the Department ofTeaching German as a Foreign Language provides German courses for exchange students, doctoral students and visiting academics. Members of staff at the University of Greifswald may take part in all German courses that are provided during the semester, as long as there are vacant places.

Location: Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, Rooms 1.04 and 2.04

For more information on courses during the semester please click here.

ATTENTION: All DSH-Courses offered on this page have restricted admission and therefore cannot be registered for on this page. For more information please contact the Department of Teaching German as a Foreign Language.