Language Levels
Level A1
...covers a workload of 4-8 contact hours per week (150-300 hours in total, 5-10 ECTS) and takes one to two semesters to complete, depending on the language. It leads to basic knowledge of the respective language that can be built on.
Requirements for participation: none
Students gain knowledge of the basic language structure of the foreign language and can make themselves understood in everyday, routine situations as well as understand simple things said to them by people they are speaking to. They are capable of finding key information in everyday texts (e.g.: timetables, cinema programme, signposts, short letters, etc.) and can write simple messages and letters.
They are aware of individual, cultural differences between their home country and their target country and have basic knowledge of the country’s geography and traditions.
Level A2
...covers a workload of 8-12 contact hours per week (120-180 contact hours, 300-450 hours in total) if you are attending the course without any prior knowledge. If you have already reached level A1, the workload comprises 4 contact hours per week (60 contact hours, 150 hours in total).
The students have knowledge of the basic language structures and can talk about personal interests in a conversation or on their own, and understand their partner's responses. They are able to understand the context of simple written texts and can write simple messages and letters.
They know certain cultural differences between their home country and their target country and have basic knowledge of the country's regional circumstances and geography.

Level B1
...covers a workload of about 8 contact hours per week (120 contact hours, 300 hours in total). The language teaching is divided into two modules (60 contact hours, 150 hours self-study each), which can be attended simultaneously or consecutively (includes listening, reading, speaking, writing). Both courses can be completed with a test.
Requirements: Language proficiency that corresponds with UNIcert® Basis
he students have mastered common language structures. They can express themselves within selected topics in a conversation or on their own. They are able to follow clearly articulated short presentations and genuine conversations. They are able to understand adapted and original texts at low and medium levels of difficulty using basic reading strategies and are able to write simple, continuous texts.
They have acquired basic knowledge for dealing with known cultural differences between their home and target countries, as well as advanced knowledge of the country's geography and traditions.
Level B2
...covers a workload of about 8 contact hours per week (120 contact hours, 300 hours in total). The language training is divided into two modules (4 contact hours per week each; 60 contact hours, 150 hours self-study), which can be attended simultaneously or consecutively (includes listening, reading, speaking, writing). Both courses can be completed with a test.
Requirements: Language proficiency that corresponds with UNIcert® I
The students are able to predominantly express themselves correctly in terms of language when on their own or in conversation. They can also follow standard presentations and conversations. They are able to understand original texts of medium difficulty using adequate reading strategies and can write continuous texts while adhering to stylistic criteria. The acquired knowledge and skills enable them to develop initial language skills and specific terminology for specific fields.
They are able to recognise and deal with cultural differences between their home and target countries, and have advanced knowledge of the country's geography and traditions. The students have acquired the basic language skills for a period of study and work in the country of the target language.
Level C1
...covers a workload of about 8 contact hours per week (120 contact hours, 300 hours in total)
Requirements: Language proficiency that corresponds with UNIcert® II
The students have acquired language proficiency at a higher level for general academic and job-related purposes, which enable them to communicate on selected topics using various stylistic means. In terms of vocabulary and language structures, they can understand challenging, longer general and job-related texts from certain subject areas and follow longer, more difficultly spoken job-related original texts. The students understand the explicit and implicit information and also extract the necessary information from longer presentations.
They can express themselves in both written and oral form in a fluid and communicative manner, using advanced language structures and extensive general and technical vocabulary for selected, complex topics in their area of specialism that are relevant for periods of work and study abroad. They can present their personal opinion in a coherent, logically structured and stylistically appropriate manner.
They are able to recognise and deal with cultural differences between the home and target countries. The intercultural language and communication skills of this level enable unlimited mobility and the ability to study abroad.